The club was founded in 1978 by John Hordern and a group of local shooters who wished at that time to make use of the Congleton Leisure Centre indoor rifle range – the range being only available to clubs. By 1979 membership had increased and outgrown the facilities at Congleton, so found a new home at a local quarry where an existing target rifle range was revamped to suit broader sporting rifle purposes.
Increased membership and a permanent home let the club invest in facilities such as covered firing positions, a clubhouse cum office, storage facilities for targets and steel targets set at 100 yards for both rimfire and centrefire shooters. Current plans include improving access to firing positions for disabled shooters.
The club objectives remain as they have always been: to encourage shooting excellence through competition, within a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Members are encouraged to share their experience with newcomers, provide advice on technique and safety, help out around the range and provide supervised use of their firearms to beginners.
The club is Home Office approved, and is affiliated with the National Rifle Association. Our range has undergone extensive health and safety assessment and has been recently issued with a new safety certificate.
This needs to be added to the home page about club section
Is there any information regarding the club fees for 2021 or the AGM on the club website?
It would be useful to post this year’s AGM date and venue for people to see ( 2023 )