Club AGM

The club AGM will be held at the Broken Cross Working Men’s club on February 5th. Please attend from 19:30 for a 19:45 start.

Range reopened!

Thanks to a lot of hard work and a considerable investment, the backstop has been rebuilt. Steel targets are not yet hung, but everything else is ready. Please be aware […]

Range maintenance work continuing

As of Sunday 2nd July, the backstop is now in place, however the steel target boxes are still being constructed. Thanks to all who contributed time and labour today.

Range open on Sunday 2nd July!

Range open on Sunday 2nd July!

The backstop has been rebuilt with new sand, but we still need to rebuild the boxes for the steels. Please come on Sunday from 9:30am to help out!

Range closed for maintenance

As of 22/6/17 the range is still closed while the backstop is undergoing repair, following flood damage earlier in the year. It will NOT be open on Sunday 25/6/17.   […]

Flood damage to range

Following last weekend’s heavy rain run-off collected above the steel targets and eventually broke through, damaging the structure and washing away ballistic sand. A work party on Sunday morning removed […]


The club was founded in 1978 by  John Hordern and a group of local shooters who wished at that time to make use of the Congleton Leisure Centre indoor rifle […]